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Order of the Twin Adder is a Grand Company located in Gridania. It is led by Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Senna.

Establishment[ | ]

In 1572, the Order of the Twin Adder establishes a medium from which the Seedseers can return from their wanderings deep within the Black Shroud and directly oversee not only the safety of Gridania's citizens, but the workings of the local guard. Both the Gods' Quiver, who defend the forest from external threats, and the Wood Wailers, who protect it from internal strife, have expressed their support of this temporary measure. Although they have proven their aptitude for handling political affairs in light of the Calamity and events that followed, there are still those within Gridania who would questions the Seedseers' ability to lead a nation into war.

Symbolism[ | ]

The two intertwined serpents that appear on Gridania's flag inspired the name of the Order of the Twin Adder. However, some wonder if the symbolism accurately represents Gridania's citizens, many of whom are not Elezen or Hyur. At one point, opponents of other races requested that the Grand Company take other sigils into consideration. However, Gridania ultimately decided to utilize the name and emblem as they wanted to hoist the flag that flew triumphantly during the Autumn War. This historical allusion also brings to mind Limsa Lominsa, Ul'dah, and Ishgard's assistance—and the possibility of another great union.

Characteristics[ | ]

Four primary troops and a lesser fifth unit make up the Order of the Twin Adder:

  • The Blue Badgers: a group of engineers and sappers that draws recruits from the Disciples of the Hand and Land guilds, are in charge of foraging and making.
  • The Red Otters are an elite fighting force composed of chosen lancers, archers, and conjurers from each of their different guilds.
  • The White Wolves are composed of young people who want to fight for Gridania as combatants.
  • The Black Boars assist other units with logistics and assistance. Men and women who have left the Wood Wailers and Gods' Quiver make up their ranks.
  • The Yellow Serpents, a group made up entirely of explorers, assist the other four as needed.

These groups are all coordinated from the Adders' Nest, which serves as the main control point.

The Wood Wailers and Gods' Quiver, who are tasked with protecting the forest, have become skilled at pursuing enemies through the trees and repelling off Ixali war balloons. To advance too far outside the Black Shroud, however, both forces are unprepared. The Yellow Serpents exist specifically to address this flaw by enlisting well-traveled adventurers. Quinquerol Flutaint, a Serpent Commander and former adventurer, commanded the force up until the Battle of Carteneau. He was unfortunately relieved of his duties since he was never able to get over the atrocities he had witnessed. After that, Vorsaile Heuloix rose to the position of High Commander from that of Second Serpent Commander.

The Wood Wailers and Gods' Quiver have always complied with the order, but they first kept their command structure separate. After suffering significant losses at the Battle of Carteneau, Gridania decided to restructure its Grand Company. As a result, the Wailers and Bows were welcomed into the Twin Adder following the Calamity.[1]

Notable Officers[ | ]

Swethryk Brookstone[ | ]

"I'll see my back break before refusing to bear a fallen brother."

Brother of Captain Swethyna of the Wood Wailers and Grand Serpent Marshal of the Order of the Twin Adder, Swethryk Brookstone once achieved reputation as a master of the lance and even held the position of captain of the Wood Wailers. He did, however, lose one eye during a battle with the Ixal after absorbing a strike intended for one of his warriors. After that, Swethryk quit the Wailers and focused on teaching the new Lancers' Guild recruits.

Swethryk was the ideal choice for Grand Serpent Marshal when Gridania's grand company was formed because of his background in command and tactics. He is one of the Elder Seedseer's closest advisors and, unlike Kan-E-Senna, is knowledgeable about the arts of war. With his help, the Order was successfully led through the bloody wars of Gridania, including Carteneau.

The Grand Marshal of Midlander descent used to enjoy alcohol and ladies in his free time, but after 42 summers have passed, he is satisfied to carve wood toys for the orphans of the city-state.

Vorsaile Heuloix[ | ]

"Vorsaile Heuloix of the Order of the Twin Adder does not grovel."

Vorsaile Heuloix, the officer assigned to command the Wood Wailers' Yellow Serpents, studied the art of war from the Lancers' Guild and had already left Gridania before his twentieth nameday in order to pursue his fortune as an adventurer. Vorsaile gained notoriety by significant acts of daring and cleverness, such as the unearthing of lost pirate riches on Vylbrand, with Ywain, the guild's current head. As his fame spread, he traveled to Coerthas at a friend's request and was hired by House Fortemps. Later on, he rose to a prominent rank within the Order of the Twin Adder as a result of his excellent performance as a mercenary in Ishgard. After Commander Quinquerol Flutaint was let go after the Battle of Carteneau, Vorsaile adapted to his new position as Serpent Commander.

The Wildwood Elezen of thirty-three summers can be seen playing competitive games of Triple Triad with anyone foolish enough to oppose him when he isn't giving instructions to his units of skilled adventurers.[2]

Ranks[ | ]

Petty Officer & Soldier Commissioned Officer
Serpent Private Third Class Second Serpent Lieutenant
Serpent Private Second Class First Serpent Lieutenant
Serpent Private First Class Serpent Captain
Serpent Corporal Second Serpent Commander
Serpent Sergeant Third Class First Serpent Commander
Serpent Sergeant Second Class High Serpent Commander
Serpent Sergeant First Class Rear Serpent Marshal
Chief Serpent Sergeant Vice Serpent Marshal
Serpent Marshal
Grand Serpent Marshal
Serpent Champion

Quests[ | ]

Hunting log[ | ]

External links[ | ]

  1. Encyclopædia Eorzea, p.114
  2. Encyclopædia Eorzea, p.115